About This Game For the price of a match fee, you can now experience an accurate simulation of the competitive practical shooting sport. This VR experience allows you to participate in IPSC, USPSA, Pro-am and Steel Challenge matches within the comfort of your own home. It features accurate gun handling, common stage props such as swingers, movers, texas stars, polish plate rack, irish plate rack, movers and innovative stage designs. 7aa9394dea Title: Practisim VRGenre: Action, Indie, Simulation, Sports, Early AccessDeveloper:AncientSky GamesPublisher:AncientSky GamesRelease Date: 19 May, 2017 Practisim VR Download] [hack] To be honest, I purchased this game a while ago and got a refund. I decided to check it out again since the developer obviously cares about this game and releases regular updates. I ended up playing 1.5 hrs non-stop and only quit because my batteries in my Vive controllers were about to die. I'm an avid shooter and the safety rules and scenarios are spot on, this is a fantastic game if you just want to have fun but also a great training tool. I'm very impressed and highly recommend it.. cool game. i love the concept. i played a few stages and even got #1 on a few leaderboards in my first hour or so. Ultimately I have returned the game for the time being. It REALLY needs more customization for the setup. my holster was WAY too high on my body, so id play a stage 20 times and go to draw to see my hands empty bc my gun wasnt where it should be on my hip. The locomotion needs some work as others have said. Overall I'm leaving as a reccomend b\/c the idea is awesome, the dev is active and working on things, its definitely playable etc. It's just not worth $20 to me right now. Im sure I'll buy again down the road. The holster thing alone would get me to rebuy.. Money well spent. I have seen others have comments on some things they would like to see added to the game with a negative review, all they do is have to ask and the developer delivers. The adds to the game every week make this better and better.. Very enjoyable! The map editor is simple and easy to understand. With the amount of user content available this game will never get old.Keep up the great work!. Most realistic USPSA shooter that there is, hands down. Gameplay is great and with multiplayer it feels like im out at a match, just without all the taping!. Practisim VR is an awesome shooting simulation!If you are a competitive shooter (USPSA \/ IPSC or IDPA, Pro-am or Steel-Challenge etc.) you will definitely love this "game". If you are at least interested in competitve shooting this simulation is a very good way to get your first impressions, try it out, learn the rules and to see how much fun it is!If you like shooting in real life or in VR.- if you like H3VR ("Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades") or "Lethal VR" then you will also love "Practism VR".Lets face it - you can never get "enough" training - and this virtual reality shooting simulator is like having your own gun range at home. Ammo is expensive, so are range and match fees - with this authentic simulation you can get a lot of training, whenever you want and totally inexpensive. Also you can do some training when weather is too bad to go to a range.And it is way more fun then just simple dry fire training :-)I am a competitive shooter and and not so much a computer player - but "Practism VR" with the room scaling of the Vive is so much fun and a surprisingly good training. Of course the gun feeling and handling is different compared to real shooting - but Loke (the developer) gives his best to make it as realistic as possible! By the way - this guy is great :-)As far as I know (and Google knows :-)) Loke is a competive shooter himself and you feel that "Practisim VR" is more than just a project for him. It feels like he wants this simulation to be as perfect as possible because he likes to train with it himself. Every detail in the game is as close to real practical shooting as it could get in VR.So what can you expect?This VR experience is an accurate simulation of the competitive practical shooting sport.For all the people who are new to USPSA \/ IPSC etc. there are a few things you should know (made simple) about practical shooting:\u201cPractical shooting\u201d originally comes from police or military "combat"- shooting training where real-life scenarios were constructed for the shooters to train all the needed skills for the real world in a safe environment.IDPA is still defensive shooting orientated, USPSA and IPSC are more sports and skill-orientated.In a typical match you shoot different "stages" - each stage has targets you have to shoot (i.e. paper targets, moving targets, steel plates, poppers etc.) and targets you are not allowed to shoot (no-shoots\/penalty targets). In the game the no-shoot paper (!) targets are usually white and the ones to be hit are brown.Each brown paper target usually needs to be hit with two shots. There are different scoring zones on the paper targets - to make it simple: a good centered shot gives more points then one on the outside of the target.Steel targets have to be hit until they fall to score.The stages also have so called "fault lines" (in the game yellow lines on the ground) which you are not allowed to cross and different types of barricades and windows and vision barriers to make hitting and finding the targets more difficult and usually a defined point where you have to start (in the game all of this is explained at the beginning of every stage).In between the fault lines you are allowed to move "freestyle" - after the start signal grab your gun, search all targets and hit them all as fast as you can. You have to move and change your position and sometimes you have to open doors or run around corners to see targets etc.Every target hit gives you points. The better the hit on paper targets the more points you get.Subtracted from that points are penalties for missed targets and hits on targets you were not allowed to shoot.In most stages your points earned are divided by the time you needed. This is why you have to be as accurate and as fast as possible. You can see your results on the leaderboard and match results board.This is what I think is the best and most motivating thing of the game - you always want to beat your own personal best time and the ones of other shooters around the world.Also important is to always follow the commands of the range officer and (although you are allowed to move freely in between the fault lines) always hold the gun with the muzzle pointed in a safe direction - not only while shooting but also when moving etc..In most stages you have the "180 degree rule".In easy words - from your starting position (looking downrange) your gun may only be pointed in between the direct left and the direct right (180 degrees) all the time. If your muzzle points just a little backwards you will be disqualified.The game features high quality graphics, accurate gun aiming, common stage props such as different targets, swingers, movers, texas stars, polish plate rack, Irish plate rack, movers and innovative stage designs.You can choose from a really large variety of guns - both pistols and revolvers (such as glock, cz, beretta, sig, s&w etc.). And there are even more to come.Right now you have the most popular guns used in real practical competitve shooting.There are currently around 20 + interesting, diversified and challenging stages so far. Even night stages where you have to use a flashlight to see the targets and some fun and practice ranges.Loke mentioned that there will be even more stages in the near future + a stage designer where you can create your own stages. To design your own stages is awesome - I am really looking forward to that feature because it gives endless training options and due to this the highest replayability I can imagine :-)After the last update you can choose if you want to play with one or two controllers - for me playing with one controller feels much better because I can naturally hold my "gun" in two hands (except for stages where one handed shooting is required). Is there anything I don't like?Well, not much...but there are a few things....First: The movement with the trackpad.This is not Lokes or the games fault though - I guess it is a problem in every VR game where movement beyond the room scaling boundaries is required,In Practisim VR I totally love the smaller stages where only the room scaling is neccessary and where I don't have to use the trackpad and you can move freely, fast and naturally.As soon as I need the trackpad I feel like a drunken and clumsy robot.Maybe I will get used to it and become faster with more practise - maybe the movement will be Improvised with the next updates - we will see.There are also some other minor issues that need to be solved - but nothing too disturbing.I guess those issues can easiliy be fixed in the upcoming updates (like that you sometimes hit a barricade although the sights are perfectly on target and the strange position of the holster which makes it sometimes difficult to draw the gun and that there are sometimes no visible bullet holes in the targets etc.). For an early access game it is already very complete and VERY fun to play. Must buy for shooters - highly recommended!. One of the more realistic shooting experiences currently available in VR. There are a lot of fun courses to run though. I really look forward to when better controllers are out, to having proper weapon grips, and maybe even some recoil. Great job on the game. Keep it up.. since update cant see other hand {useing oculus} before it worked just fine but other than that a great game for us gun people. I can fully recommend Practisim VR to anyone who is even slightly interested in competitive shooting.This is an excellent simulation of many kind of practical shooting disciplines and great fun to compete with yourself and fellow shooters trough the leaderboard. (And I think this is a great practice tool for those who compete IRL)You may say that the implementation is a bit rough on the edges, the graphics are far from AAA games the UI is clunky, etc.. And that's true. But please don't forget that this is an Early Access game yet being actively developed.And it's not just a buzzword. I think, this software has one of the most community-oriented developer in Steam. Zhere are updates in every week including features requested by the users and maps created by the users. If you check the Discussion section you can see that every question and request is addressed by him in a very open-minded and helpful manner. You can also see a short demo video of the new features in his youtube channel: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/user\/gunrobot
Practisim VR Download] [hack]